

1954年出生于北京,大华讲席教授,博士生导师,比较文学与世界文学学科带头人 办公室:人文楼219室 邮箱


(1)1987-1990 硕士就读于中国人民大学中文系,获文学硕士学位
(2)1999-2002 博士就读于中国人民大学哲学系,获哲学博士学位




(1)比较文学与世界文学 / 西方文艺理论
(2)宗教学 / 基督教




(8)china, christianity and the question of culture获美国christianity today 2015年图书奖(2015)


(3)国际比较文学学会(icla / acla)副主席


(1)中国古代经典英译本汇释汇校 ,国家社科基金项目重大项目(2010-2019 )
(3)基督教对欧洲三大神话系统的影响和诠释, 国家社科基金一般项目(完成)
(4)中世纪欧洲文学与基督教, 教育部社科基金一般项目(完成)
(6)当代神学-人文学交叉概念与学术对话 教育部人文社科研究基地重大项目(完成)


(6)”matteo ricci and michel foucault’s readings of epictetus: a quest of知knowing) and行application”, christianity & literature, 2018 vol. 68 (1);
(7)”the interdisciplinary nature of literature and theology and its potential value”, comparative literature & world literature, no. 2(2018);
(14)”christian implication and non-christian translation: a case study of the merchant of venice in the chinese context”, studies in chinese religions, 2015 vol. 1, no. 1;
(15)”scriptural reasoning and the hermeneutical circle”, literature and theology, vol.28, no. 2, 2014;
(19)《比较文学与世界文学的学科命意及发展趋向》,《复旦大学学报》2012第1期 ;
(21)”theological interpretation on the sacred books of china and its political implication”, sino-christian studies, vol. 6, 2011;
(22)”to reverse our premise with the perverse core: a response to žižek’s theology in chinese context”, positions: east asian cultures critique, vol. 19 (no. 3) 2011;
(23)”james legge, between literature and religion: historical context of the inter-relationship between literature and religion in china”, revue de littérature comparée, vol. 337 (no. 1) 2011;
(30)”language and missionary universities in china”,journal of renmin university of china,2009-01 ;
(32)《学术制度、国家政策和语言的力量》,《中国人民大学学报》 2009第1期;
(33)《怎一个“道”字了得》,《中国文化研究》 2009第3期;
(34)《“反向”的神学与文学研究》,《外国文学研究》 2009第2期;
(35)《 学术制度、国家政策和语言的力量》,《中国人民大学学报》 2009第1期;
(37)《评谢列贝克斯〈信仰的理解〉》,(香港)《道风:基督教文化评论》,2006秋季号第25期 ;
(38)《诠释和想象的空间:批评史中的莎士比亚与〈哈姆雷特〉》,《外国文学研究》2006第6期 ;
(39)”religious studies in china”,journal of renmin university of china,2006-01 ;
(40)《圣杯的象征系统及其解码》,《文艺研究》2005第3期 ;
(41)”the reception and interpretation of global ethic in china”, china's new role in the international community, frankfurt: peter lang press, 2005 ;
(42)《我国文科学科专业人才培养改革研究》,《中国大学教育》2004年第1期 ;
(43)《从“差异”到“他者”:对海德格尔与德里达的神学读解》,《中国人民大学学报》2004第4期 ;
(45)”the union chinese version of the bible and its hermeneutical analysis”,contemporary chinese thought, 2004. 6;
(46)”the moralized sino-christianity and the meaning of christian morality”, contemporary chinese thought, 2004. 6;
(47)”what theological ethics mean to the contemporary”, contemporary chinese thought, 2004. 6;
(48)”three concerns in the buddhist-christian dialogue”,contemporary chinese thought, 2004. 6;
(49)”inculturation or contextualization: interpretation of christianity in the context of chinese culture”,contemporary chinese thought, 2004. 6;
(50)《“本地化”还是“处境化”:汉语语境中的基督教诠释》,《世界宗教研究》2003第1期 ;
(51)”some characteristics of the understanding of the christian faith among chinese university students”,china study journal, vol.17, no.3, december 2002;
(52)《读解圣言:神学解释学向现代解释学过渡的问题》,《外国文学评论》2002第1期 ;
(53)《“全球化”与基督教的自我诠释》,(加拿大)《维真学刊》2001第3期 ;
(54)《早期基督教文学概说》,《外国文学评论》2000第3期 ;
(56)”the moralization of chinese christianity and the result since ming and qing dynasties”,(意大利)《明清研究》1998第7期;
(58)《20世纪西方文学的神学倾向》,《文艺研究》1994第3期 ;
(59)《基督教精神与西方文学》,《文艺研究》1991第4期 ;


(3)china, christianity and the question of culture, baylor university press (2014)
(6)christianity in china: the work of yang huilin, m. e. sharp(2004)

(1)《基督教文化学刊》issn 2071-9957,(1999- )
